
I do not accept link suggestions for my resource page (see my following blog posts for my opinions on marketing emails asking me to post links: here, here, and here).  All emails requesting me to link to your page will be mercilessly mocked via multiple social media platforms.

Materials I've created:

Directories of materials (handouts, downloads, and directories of online materials):



Flash cards

Bingo games (printable)

Bingo games (online)

Memory card games

Quizlet flash card sets

Directory of Gimkit sets

Blooket sets

Crossword puzzles (online)

Kahoots (play in preview mode by creating an account and searching for kahoots by my username, profesoraanita):

Pretérito o imperfecto

¿Por o para?

¿Qué o cuál?

Pronombres de objeto directo (interpretación)

Oraciones subordinadas nominales

3rd semester exam 1 review (textbook Imagina)

3rd semester exam 2 review (textbook Imagina)

3rd semester final exam review (textbook Imagina)

Spanish grammar exam 1 review

Spanish grammar final exam review

1st semester exam 1 review (textbook Panorama)

More crossword puzzles (printable versions of all puzzles here):

Regular verbs in the present tense

Irregular verbs in the present tense

Formal commands

Regular verbs in the preterit tense

Some irregular verb types in the preterit tense

All irregular verb types in the preterit tense

Past subjunctive

Travel vocab

Family vocab

Recreation and leisure activities

Hot potatoes:

Location prepositions


Dictionary advice for students

Other resources for teachers:

Resources for students:

Options for adding accent marks to letters:

Grammar Activities:

Vocabulary Sites:

Dictionaries, Translators and Forums*:


Spanish for Specific Purposes:

Medical Spanish:

Spanish Linguistics Sites:

Fun links (videos):